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Great Southland Revival: Tracing the Spirit's Flame From Acts to Australia

Kurt Mahlburg, Stuart Piggin (Fwd), Warwick Marsh

Paperback 2022-11-21

Australia is a nation forged in the furnace of revival. Long forgotten, Australia's Spirit-filled history comes to life in Great Southland Revival. Discover how the flame of Pentecost spread from the book of Acts all the way to the South Pacific. Journey on convict ships and city trams, to goldfields, outback communities and far-flung islands transformed by the gospel. Most of all, be inspired that God longs to revive the church, sweep multitudes into His kingdom, and renew our world once again.

The book comes with endorsements from many prominent Australian Christian leaders, including:

"Excellent, well-researched and important."

  • John Anderson AO, Former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia

"Great Southland Revival is a wonderful read."

  • Ps Margaret Court AO MBE, Former World Tennis Number One

"This book will inform, inspire and challenge."

  • Karl Faase, CEO, Olive Tree Media

"I do pray that Great Southland Revival will be widely read, discussed and prayed over, and that it will add significantly to the number of those who are praying that God will reveal to the hearts of His people in Australia the love and plan He has for our nation." – Stuart Piggin.


We cannot hope to understand where we are, let alone find the clarity of vision and the necessary positivity to move forward with confidence, without understanding our history. Great Southland Revival is excellent, well-researched and important history that will spur the reader on in the sure hope that all things are possible. —John Anderson AC, Former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia

Thank you, Kurt and Warwick, for this book, and for taking us on a journey of past revivals and the great men and women who had such a part to play in ushering in God’s will in the earth. Great Southland Revival is a wonderful read; much research has gone into it. May it stir you up to pray and intercede to see the last outpouring of the Holy Spirit touch our nation. —Rev Margaret Court AC MBE, Senior Pastor Victory Life Centre, Former World Tennis Number One

Researchers Stuart Piggin and Robert Linder have said that “Australia’s Christian heritage has not so much been lost as never been found”. In their book Great Southland Revival, Kurt and Warwick seek to redress this imbalance. Australia has a deep and rich Christian heritage that is mostly ignored and remains hidden. This book will inform, inspire and challenge every reader. It tells stories of revival from across our modern history, spanning urban to regional areas, covering the denominational spectrum, and including revival accounts from the Indigenous people of this land. Great Southland Revival adds to the catalogue of those seeking to tell the Christian stories of our land and shift the narrative of who we are as nation. —Karl Faase, CEO, Olive Tree Media

Great Southland Revival is not just a book opening up the remarkable revival history of Australia, it is a book that offers exciting hope that revival is in store for modern Australia. This book may just be what so many Australian Christians need to be encouraged in their faith and ministries as they remember or learn for the first time what Christ has already done in this South Land of the Holy Spirit. It makes for wonderful reading for book clubs, pastors, and home schoolers. —Dr Stephen Chavura, Historian, Author, Senior Lecturer in History at Campion College, Sydney

This magnificent book is a timely encouragement that the hardest of hearts can be turned toward God and that the gospel is at its most powerful when the culture is at its worst. Every Christian should read Great Southland Revival and be encouraged that we are alive ‘for such a time as this’. —James Macpherson, Journalist, Sky News and The Spectator Australia

Back in 1977-78 in California, I was uniquely privileged to sit at the feet of the Great Awakening historian J. Edwin Orr. These one-on-one meetings lit the flame inside me for praying and longing to experience another great awakening. Back then, having just newly arrived from Australia, I was anxious to know what Dr Orr knew about the history of awakenings in Australia. His words were, “Twice in its history Australia came close to a great awakening but the flame did not catch fire.” That is why I am grateful to Kurt and Warwick, who have uncovered a treasure trove of detailed history that stretches from Genesis to the Great Southland. This book is not only filled with historical facts and figures, but it should light the flame for praying and longing for a great awakening in the so called ‘Lucky Country’. Read this book again and again. You will be blessed. —Michael Youssef Ph.D., Executive President, Leading the Way

Finally, a book which boldly and unapologetically accounts for the significant moves of the Holy Spirit in Australia. Kurt and Warwick do not romanticise the glory of revivals, but in sobriety exhort, inspire and instruct us into the biblical nature of revivals. Great Southland Revival fuels my hunger for heaven’s invasion of earth and for tangible transformation in the fabric of our society. Come again, Lord Jesus, by Your Holy Spirit, to the Great Southland! —Daniel Lim, CEO, International House of Prayer Kansas City (2008–2020)

Jesus accused the anti-supernaturalists of his day—the Sadducees—of being “ignorant of the Scriptures and the power of God”. The same could be said of so many of us when it comes to the history and theology of ‘Revival’. This well-researched, well-written book, with copious footnotes and an extensive bibliography, shows how true Christianity was once a vital power in this land, and that it can be again. Revival is born in prayer. Great Southland Revival encourages us to pray for a fresh outpouring of God’s Spirit. Nothing less will reach this nation for Christ. —Rev David Jones, Retired Presbyterian Minister, Hobart, Former Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Australia

Great Southland Revival is a brilliant and unique book on revival. It is comprehensive in scope. It gives the big picture of what God has been doing throughout history again and again. And it is unique in uncovering stories of how Australia—‘the Great Southland’—has been touched and shaped by moves of God’s Spirit. In a time of moral and spiritual decline, this book will challenge us as God’s people to wake up from comfortable Christianity, to love God passionately, and return to a deep and intimate relationship with Christ which is the heart of true revival and New Testament Christianity. Be amazed at what God will show you through this book. —Ps Ian Malins, Author, Pastor, Missionary, Bible Lecturer

Both Kurt and Warwick are living testimonies of the truths they outline in this book. By the powerful hand of Almighty God, they have been used mightily to see revival occur in both the local church as well as throughout the broader community. If you’re feeling flat—and maybe even defeated—by the so-called ‘culture wars’, then be prepared to be blessed and encouraged. This clearly written and concisely comprehensive account of how the Spirit of God continues to renew His people throughout the ages will lift your eyes again to Christ and His grace which He offers in such merciful abundance. —Right Rev Mark Powell, Presbyterian Minister, Former Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of NSW and ACT

In this significant book, Kurt and Warwick demonstrate the prophetic nature of history. They inform and remind us of what has been accomplished in the past, and they encourage and instruct us in what we may anticipate in the future. Most readers will be astonished by the enormous amount of information this volume includes—and in particular, the many tales, especially in the latter part of the book, of the powerful activity of God in the Asia-Pacific region over the last three centuries. If I am not mistaken, readers’ hearts will be significantly moved by a Spirit-led yearning for similar widespread visitations from God in our time. The world needs it, our nation needs it and our churches need it. As this book reminds us on almost every page, the Lord’s prayer—may the Father’s kingdom come and His will be done—has rarely been more apt than now. —Dr Barry Chant, Author, Historian, Former Pentecostal Pastor, Founder, Tabor College

I recommend you read this fantastic new book by Kurt and Warwick. They have been immensely assisted in their work by Australia’s most preeminent Christian historian Dr Stuart Piggin, who toured Australia with FamilyVoice in 2019. This panoramic view of Christian revival will whet your appetite for revival to occur in our own day, which is sorely needed. It will show you what part you can play in bringing this about to the glory of God and for the good of Australia. —Peter Downie, National Director, FamilyVoice Australia

We are at a time when Christians across our nation are deeply stirred and long to see the body of Christ arise in righteousness, justice and truth—because our “hearts are hard” and our “prayers are cold”, as Keith Green sang in his popular song. Great Southland Revival will show you what it looks like when the Spirit of God revives and reforms, from biblical times and through the centuries. It is an extremely engaging book and brings a challenge to repentance and holy living. I came away repeating the prayer of Evan Roberts, “Oh Lord, bend us!” —Cindy McGarvie, National Director, Youth for Christ

We are urged by the Psalmist to “tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, His power, and the wonders He has done… so they would know… and would not forget His deeds but would keep His commands” (Psalm 78:4, 6-7). Kurt and Warwick have done Australia and our world a significant favour in recounting God’s deeds, power, and wonders in igniting such remarkable revivals throughout their nation’s history. We in America are also very grateful for the partnership in revival, praying with the Australian prayer movement under Warwick’s leadership, from which we have so much benefitted. Revival is a “but God” phenomenon, so often released when our nations are at their lowest ebb culturally and politically. This seems to be the case now in both our countries, as well as in much of the rest of our world. Such outpourings of the Spirit that change the socio-political atmosphere of cities and nations come about through God’s response to determined, persevering, united prayer, as both Scripture and history so eloquently demonstrate. Usually there is also an accompanying sense of desperation that fuels such prayer. Like the great men and women of God in history’s revivals, may we in all our nations once again cast off complacency and the “we have always done it this way before” mentality of our church programs. Instead, let us become desperate enough to seek the Lord on His terms with all our hearts. That will bring about revival breakthroughs and transformations we have not yet experienced or imagined possible! —John Robb, Founder, International Prayer Connect, Initiator, World Prayer Assembly

At such a time as this, our nation is in desperate need of a powerful, God-breathed, Spirit-filled intervention. Kurt and Warwick’s book provides a clarion call for every child of God to return to their first love, Jesus, to study His Word, to live holy lives, and to share the good news of His gospel. The story of God’s work through His church is not over yet. Great Southland Revival brings both a timely encouragement and a challenge. Revive us again, Lord. —Wendy Francis, National Political Director, Australian Christian Lobby

Life in Australia before World War I and II was challenging for Indigenous people. Literacy levels were very low. My people struggled to even read and write. The good news was that the level of faith was very high for God to move in a sovereign way to save our nation, with a strong expectation for revival and for God to save and heal our people and our land according to 2 Chronicles 7:14. Those prayers brought revival and ongoing spiritual protection to Australian Indigenous people, who were not even citizens in their own land. Sadly, they were still classified as flora and fauna under the new Australian Government that was formed in 1901. As our people became more desperate for a sovereign move of His Spirit, God heard their prayers and poured His Spirit out. This book recounts some of those revival stories, including the Pinnacle Pocket revival and the Elcho Island revival. It also tells of the many non-Indigenous revival stories too. Every Australian should read Great Southland Revival. —Ps Tim Edwards, Indigenous Christian Elder

Great Southland Revival is a book I could not put down. It could not be more timely. Kurt and Warwick give wonderful details from the book of Acts until today of how the risen Christ has moved to advance His Kingdom through hearts and minds zealous to follow His way. As an overview of earlier revivals in Australia and all over the world, it is a great resource. But its best feature may be its encouragement for each of us this very day to turn to God, to start our own revival, thanks to His loving presence and His wish for each of us to become more like Him. —Ps Jeff Daly, Founder, National Day of Repentance, Director, Jesus Christ Fellowship, California, USA

Great Southland Revival is an exciting, glorious account of the manifestation of heaven upon earth, through the demonstrated power of the Holy Spirit expressed in revivals. This book is an incredible encouragement to all who have been called to weep between the porch and the altar, crying out to the King of Glory to awaken His church and bring in the harvest for His reward. —Jennifer Hagger AM, Founder and Former Director, Australian House of Prayer for All Nations

Great Southland Revival provides a much-needed and comprehensive account detailing Christianity’s impact on Australia and why, at a time of existential crisis, it is vital to reignite God’s love and grace. —Dr Kevin Donnelly AM, Senior Fellow, PM Glynn Institute, Australian Catholic University

Great Southland Revival is a comprehensive catalogue of the phenomenal history of revival in Australia and the marvellous history of international moves of God that prepared the way. It is an essential reference book for all Christian libraries. It has enlightened me to the depth of history that has been lost and forgotten in this Great Southland. Lord Jesus, wake up this nation to Your mighty will and bring us to our knees in a lasting revival of repentance and truth. —Daniel Van Leeuwen, CEO, Lion Websites, Creator, Holy Words of God Website

Great Southland Revival has arrived at a crucial time. Many live today with unaccustomed uncertainty in our post-Covid society, as we see fragmentation and change happen in the world at unprecedented rates. Kurt and Warwick have produced a brilliant work presenting the hope found in the Scriptures that can lead to personal and corporate transformation. In my 20 years of involvement in evangelistic campaigns, I have witnessed first-hand the long-term impact that the gospel can bring to local neighbourhoods, schools and workplaces. However, in all my years of ministry, I have never witnessed the kind of biblical revivals that are communicated in this book. Too often, words are thrown around in ‘church language’ when we do not have an appreciation of their importance. The definition and biblical foundations presented in this book on true revival are the best I have read. Long ago, I heard of Billy Graham’s 1959 Sydney crusade in Australia, where it was estimated that over half the population heard Billy Graham’s messages live, over the airwaves, and on telephone lines. This story created in me a great expectation of what is possible. I pray that as you read Great Southland Revival and discover the stories of great revival in our history, you too will be inspired. Know that any time God has moved in the past, He can move now. Any place God has done a great work, He can do the same in your city. Anyone He has ever used, He can use you. —Rev Chad Hammond, Vice President of Global Campaigns, Leading the Way with Dr Michael Youssef, Former Director of Asian Affairs, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

The Spirit of our sovereign God gives life and revives it where it lags. Great Southland Revival charts something of the unusual work of God in this country. May the reading of it prompt many to pray earnestly that God will, in His mercy, pour out His Spirit once more in abundant measure on Australia. —Rev R. H. Goodhew, Retired Anglican Archbishop of Sydney

Revival is always the need of the hour, and we always need God’s people to heartily seek it and pray for it. This brief but powerful volume—containing plenty of information, documentation and encouragement—should help greatly in getting us to do just that. Well done Kurt and Warwick. —Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

Tracing revival history from the book of Acts to our Great Southland of the Holy Spirit, this book will bring inspiration and encouragement to all who read it. First, you will be reminded about what God has done, and then, you will be inspired to continue to pray and work for revival across the Great Southland. —Commissioner James Condon, Commissioner Emeritus, The Salvation Army

Over many years, Kurt and Warwick have cultivated a desire for our nation to become a praying nation. It is an honour to have been a part of this journey together as one nation made up of many cultures, races and languages in the body of Christ. I believe Great Southland Revival will inspire and encourage us not to give up but continue to pray for revival and transformation in this Great Southland of the Holy Spirit, which includes the South Pacific Islands. —Ps Ada Boland, Indigenous Apostolic Prophetic Voice

Psalm 78 instructs us to teach our children their godly heritage and not a “second-hand” heritage from some other country. Great Southland Revival does this extremely well and it will be a huge blessing to our nation. —Col Stringer, Bestselling Author, Speaker

Thank you to Kurt and Warwick for compiling a fascinating overview of revival movements both globally and in Australia. These revival accounts will touch your heart and stir your faith. Jesus looked for faith and praised it when He saw it in people, and we need to keep praying and believing for God to continue to pour out His Spirit in blessings and revival. This book will help you do just that. God has answered prayer and moved upon us in so many ways, as the accounts in this book reveal. There’s always more—much more. Let us humble ourselves, pray, seek our Lord, and turn from our worldliness (2 Chronicles 7:14). The foundations have been laid and we can build on them. The wells have been dug and we can draw living water from them. —Geoff Waugh, Author, Founder of Renewal Journal

What an impactful account of revival in Australia! As a participant and witness of what the authors describe as “one of the most seismic local awakenings” of the late 1970s and early ‘80s, I can attest that Australia has truly been blessed by some remarkable, though little-publicised, moves of God. Great Southland Revival is compelling and inspirational reading that will fuel your hunger for God to do it again! —Phil Mason, Senior Pastor, Tribe Byron Bay, Heart Revolution Network

Warning: Do not read this book—that is, if you do not want to be challenged and inspired! But if you realise that our nation is rapidly deserting its Christian heritage, with far-reaching consequences, and if it is the earnest cry of your heart to see revival sweep across Australia once more, then you will be greatly blessed by reading Great Southland Revival. What a wonderful encouragement it is to discover how God has moved powerfully in every part of the globe, drawing people into His presence through revival after revival. Kurt and Warwick have provided a comprehensive survey of revivals through the ages, dispelling many myths along the way, and revealing wonderful accounts of the Holy Spirit at work in the hearts of people from every ethnic group and nation. Especially encouraging are the accounts of revival amongst Aboriginal people that have had lasting positive effects on their communities. What God has done before, He can and will do again. Come, Holy Spirit, come! —Dr Mark Harwood, Scientist, Writer, Speaker Coordinator, Creation Ministries International (Australia)

As religious belief in Australia declines, and as radical secularist laws bring the state into conflict with people of faith, the stories in Great Southland Revival remind us that there have been Christian revivals before our difficult 21st-century times. As with the lives of the saints, these stories in our salvation history inspire hope. They prod us to prayer and action. They remind us of the need to call on God’s divine power to bring about a new revival and a reinvigoration of our nation. Whatever our denomination, our unity of purpose is vital in bringing about this revival. —Patrick J Byrne, National President, National Civic Council

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Australia is a nation forged in the furnace of revival. Long forgotten, Australia's Spirit-filled history comes to life in Great Southland Revival. Discover how the flame of Pentecost spread from the book of Acts all the way to the South Pacific. Journey on convict ships and city trams, to goldfields, outback communities and far-flung islands transformed by the gospel. Most of all, be inspired that God longs to revive the church, sweep multitudes into His kingdom, and renew our world once again.

The book comes with endorsements from many prominent Australian Christian leaders, including:

"Excellent, well-researched and important."

  • John Anderson AO, Former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia

"Great Southland Revival is a wonderful read."

  • Ps Margaret Court AO MBE, Former World Tennis Number One

"This book will inform, inspire and challenge."

  • Karl Faase, CEO, Olive Tree Media

"I do pray that Great Southland Revival will be widely read, discussed and prayed over, and that it will add significantly to the number of those who are praying that God will reveal to the hearts of His people in Australia the love and plan He has for our nation." – Stuart Piggin.


We cannot hope to understand where we are, let alone find the clarity of vision and the necessary positivity to move forward with confidence, without understanding our history. Great Southland Revival is excellent, well-researched and important history that will spur the reader on in the sure hope that all things are possible. —John Anderson AC, Former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia

Thank you, Kurt and Warwick, for this book, and for taking us on a journey of past revivals and the great men and women who had such a part to play in ushering in God’s will in the earth. Great Southland Revival is a wonderful read; much research has gone into it. May it stir you up to pray and intercede to see the last outpouring of the Holy Spirit touch our nation. —Rev Margaret Court AC MBE, Senior Pastor Victory Life Centre, Former World Tennis Number One

Researchers Stuart Piggin and Robert Linder have said that “Australia’s Christian heritage has not so much been lost as never been found”. In their book Great Southland Revival, Kurt and Warwick seek to redress this imbalance. Australia has a deep and rich Christian heritage that is mostly ignored and remains hidden. This book will inform, inspire and challenge every reader. It tells stories of revival from across our modern history, spanning urban to regional areas, covering the denominational spectrum, and including revival accounts from the Indigenous people of this land. Great Southland Revival adds to the catalogue of those seeking to tell the Christian stories of our land and shift the narrative of who we are as nation. —Karl Faase, CEO, Olive Tree Media

Great Southland Revival is not just a book opening up the remarkable revival history of Australia, it is a book that offers exciting hope that revival is in store for modern Australia. This book may just be what so many Australian Christians need to be encouraged in their faith and ministries as they remember or learn for the first time what Christ has already done in this South Land of the Holy Spirit. It makes for wonderful reading for book clubs, pastors, and home schoolers. —Dr Stephen Chavura, Historian, Author, Senior Lecturer in History at Campion College, Sydney

This magnificent book is a timely encouragement that the hardest of hearts can be turned toward God and that the gospel is at its most powerful when the culture is at its worst. Every Christian should read Great Southland Revival and be encouraged that we are alive ‘for such a time as this’. —James Macpherson, Journalist, Sky News and The Spectator Australia

Back in 1977-78 in California, I was uniquely privileged to sit at the feet of the Great Awakening historian J. Edwin Orr. These one-on-one meetings lit the flame inside me for praying and longing to experience another great awakening. Back then, having just newly arrived from Australia, I was anxious to know what Dr Orr knew about the history of awakenings in Australia. His words were, “Twice in its history Australia came close to a great awakening but the flame did not catch fire.” That is why I am grateful to Kurt and Warwick, who have uncovered a treasure trove of detailed history that stretches from Genesis to the Great Southland. This book is not only filled with historical facts and figures, but it should light the flame for praying and longing for a great awakening in the so called ‘Lucky Country’. Read this book again and again. You will be blessed. —Michael Youssef Ph.D., Executive President, Leading the Way

Finally, a book which boldly and unapologetically accounts for the significant moves of the Holy Spirit in Australia. Kurt and Warwick do not romanticise the glory of revivals, but in sobriety exhort, inspire and instruct us into the biblical nature of revivals. Great Southland Revival fuels my hunger for heaven’s invasion of earth and for tangible transformation in the fabric of our society. Come again, Lord Jesus, by Your Holy Spirit, to the Great Southland! —Daniel Lim, CEO, International House of Prayer Kansas City (2008–2020)

Jesus accused the anti-supernaturalists of his day—the Sadducees—of being “ignorant of the Scriptures and the power of God”. The same could be said of so many of us when it comes to the history and theology of ‘Revival’. This well-researched, well-written book, with copious footnotes and an extensive bibliography, shows how true Christianity was once a vital power in this land, and that it can be again. Revival is born in prayer. Great Southland Revival encourages us to pray for a fresh outpouring of God’s Spirit. Nothing less will reach this nation for Christ. —Rev David Jones, Retired Presbyterian Minister, Hobart, Former Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Australia

Great Southland Revival is a brilliant and unique book on revival. It is comprehensive in scope. It gives the big picture of what God has been doing throughout history again and again. And it is unique in uncovering stories of how Australia—‘the Great Southland’—has been touched and shaped by moves of God’s Spirit. In a time of moral and spiritual decline, this book will challenge us as God’s people to wake up from comfortable Christianity, to love God passionately, and return to a deep and intimate relationship with Christ which is the heart of true revival and New Testament Christianity. Be amazed at what God will show you through this book. —Ps Ian Malins, Author, Pastor, Missionary, Bible Lecturer

Both Kurt and Warwick are living testimonies of the truths they outline in this book. By the powerful hand of Almighty God, they have been used mightily to see revival occur in both the local church as well as throughout the broader community. If you’re feeling flat—and maybe even defeated—by the so-called ‘culture wars’, then be prepared to be blessed and encouraged. This clearly written and concisely comprehensive account of how the Spirit of God continues to renew His people throughout the ages will lift your eyes again to Christ and His grace which He offers in such merciful abundance. —Right Rev Mark Powell, Presbyterian Minister, Former Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of NSW and ACT

In this significant book, Kurt and Warwick demonstrate the prophetic nature of history. They inform and remind us of what has been accomplished in the past, and they encourage and instruct us in what we may anticipate in the future. Most readers will be astonished by the enormous amount of information this volume includes—and in particular, the many tales, especially in the latter part of the book, of the powerful activity of God in the Asia-Pacific region over the last three centuries. If I am not mistaken, readers’ hearts will be significantly moved by a Spirit-led yearning for similar widespread visitations from God in our time. The world needs it, our nation needs it and our churches need it. As this book reminds us on almost every page, the Lord’s prayer—may the Father’s kingdom come and His will be done—has rarely been more apt than now. —Dr Barry Chant, Author, Historian, Former Pentecostal Pastor, Founder, Tabor College

I recommend you read this fantastic new book by Kurt and Warwick. They have been immensely assisted in their work by Australia’s most preeminent Christian historian Dr Stuart Piggin, who toured Australia with FamilyVoice in 2019. This panoramic view of Christian revival will whet your appetite for revival to occur in our own day, which is sorely needed. It will show you what part you can play in bringing this about to the glory of God and for the good of Australia. —Peter Downie, National Director, FamilyVoice Australia

We are at a time when Christians across our nation are deeply stirred and long to see the body of Christ arise in righteousness, justice and truth—because our “hearts are hard” and our “prayers are cold”, as Keith Green sang in his popular song. Great Southland Revival will show you what it looks like when the Spirit of God revives and reforms, from biblical times and through the centuries. It is an extremely engaging book and brings a challenge to repentance and holy living. I came away repeating the prayer of Evan Roberts, “Oh Lord, bend us!” —Cindy McGarvie, National Director, Youth for Christ

We are urged by the Psalmist to “tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, His power, and the wonders He has done… so they would know… and would not forget His deeds but would keep His commands” (Psalm 78:4, 6-7). Kurt and Warwick have done Australia and our world a significant favour in recounting God’s deeds, power, and wonders in igniting such remarkable revivals throughout their nation’s history. We in America are also very grateful for the partnership in revival, praying with the Australian prayer movement under Warwick’s leadership, from which we have so much benefitted. Revival is a “but God” phenomenon, so often released when our nations are at their lowest ebb culturally and politically. This seems to be the case now in both our countries, as well as in much of the rest of our world. Such outpourings of the Spirit that change the socio-political atmosphere of cities and nations come about through God’s response to determined, persevering, united prayer, as both Scripture and history so eloquently demonstrate. Usually there is also an accompanying sense of desperation that fuels such prayer. Like the great men and women of God in history’s revivals, may we in all our nations once again cast off complacency and the “we have always done it this way before” mentality of our church programs. Instead, let us become desperate enough to seek the Lord on His terms with all our hearts. That will bring about revival breakthroughs and transformations we have not yet experienced or imagined possible! —John Robb, Founder, International Prayer Connect, Initiator, World Prayer Assembly

At such a time as this, our nation is in desperate need of a powerful, God-breathed, Spirit-filled intervention. Kurt and Warwick’s book provides a clarion call for every child of God to return to their first love, Jesus, to study His Word, to live holy lives, and to share the good news of His gospel. The story of God’s work through His church is not over yet. Great Southland Revival brings both a timely encouragement and a challenge. Revive us again, Lord. —Wendy Francis, National Political Director, Australian Christian Lobby

Life in Australia before World War I and II was challenging for Indigenous people. Literacy levels were very low. My people struggled to even read and write. The good news was that the level of faith was very high for God to move in a sovereign way to save our nation, with a strong expectation for revival and for God to save and heal our people and our land according to 2 Chronicles 7:14. Those prayers brought revival and ongoing spiritual protection to Australian Indigenous people, who were not even citizens in their own land. Sadly, they were still classified as flora and fauna under the new Australian Government that was formed in 1901. As our people became more desperate for a sovereign move of His Spirit, God heard their prayers and poured His Spirit out. This book recounts some of those revival stories, including the Pinnacle Pocket revival and the Elcho Island revival. It also tells of the many non-Indigenous revival stories too. Every Australian should read Great Southland Revival. —Ps Tim Edwards, Indigenous Christian Elder

Great Southland Revival is a book I could not put down. It could not be more timely. Kurt and Warwick give wonderful details from the book of Acts until today of how the risen Christ has moved to advance His Kingdom through hearts and minds zealous to follow His way. As an overview of earlier revivals in Australia and all over the world, it is a great resource. But its best feature may be its encouragement for each of us this very day to turn to God, to start our own revival, thanks to His loving presence and His wish for each of us to become more like Him. —Ps Jeff Daly, Founder, National Day of Repentance, Director, Jesus Christ Fellowship, California, USA

Great Southland Revival is an exciting, glorious account of the manifestation of heaven upon earth, through the demonstrated power of the Holy Spirit expressed in revivals. This book is an incredible encouragement to all who have been called to weep between the porch and the altar, crying out to the King of Glory to awaken His church and bring in the harvest for His reward. —Jennifer Hagger AM, Founder and Former Director, Australian House of Prayer for All Nations

Great Southland Revival provides a much-needed and comprehensive account detailing Christianity’s impact on Australia and why, at a time of existential crisis, it is vital to reignite God’s love and grace. —Dr Kevin Donnelly AM, Senior Fellow, PM Glynn Institute, Australian Catholic University

Great Southland Revival is a comprehensive catalogue of the phenomenal history of revival in Australia and the marvellous history of international moves of God that prepared the way. It is an essential reference book for all Christian libraries. It has enlightened me to the depth of history that has been lost and forgotten in this Great Southland. Lord Jesus, wake up this nation to Your mighty will and bring us to our knees in a lasting revival of repentance and truth. —Daniel Van Leeuwen, CEO, Lion Websites, Creator, Holy Words of God Website

Great Southland Revival has arrived at a crucial time. Many live today with unaccustomed uncertainty in our post-Covid society, as we see fragmentation and change happen in the world at unprecedented rates. Kurt and Warwick have produced a brilliant work presenting the hope found in the Scriptures that can lead to personal and corporate transformation. In my 20 years of involvement in evangelistic campaigns, I have witnessed first-hand the long-term impact that the gospel can bring to local neighbourhoods, schools and workplaces. However, in all my years of ministry, I have never witnessed the kind of biblical revivals that are communicated in this book. Too often, words are thrown around in ‘church language’ when we do not have an appreciation of their importance. The definition and biblical foundations presented in this book on true revival are the best I have read. Long ago, I heard of Billy Graham’s 1959 Sydney crusade in Australia, where it was estimated that over half the population heard Billy Graham’s messages live, over the airwaves, and on telephone lines. This story created in me a great expectation of what is possible. I pray that as you read Great Southland Revival and discover the stories of great revival in our history, you too will be inspired. Know that any time God has moved in the past, He can move now. Any place God has done a great work, He can do the same in your city. Anyone He has ever used, He can use you. —Rev Chad Hammond, Vice President of Global Campaigns, Leading the Way with Dr Michael Youssef, Former Director of Asian Affairs, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

The Spirit of our sovereign God gives life and revives it where it lags. Great Southland Revival charts something of the unusual work of God in this country. May the reading of it prompt many to pray earnestly that God will, in His mercy, pour out His Spirit once more in abundant measure on Australia. —Rev R. H. Goodhew, Retired Anglican Archbishop of Sydney

Revival is always the need of the hour, and we always need God’s people to heartily seek it and pray for it. This brief but powerful volume—containing plenty of information, documentation and encouragement—should help greatly in getting us to do just that. Well done Kurt and Warwick. —Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

Tracing revival history from the book of Acts to our Great Southland of the Holy Spirit, this book will bring inspiration and encouragement to all who read it. First, you will be reminded about what God has done, and then, you will be inspired to continue to pray and work for revival across the Great Southland. —Commissioner James Condon, Commissioner Emeritus, The Salvation Army

Over many years, Kurt and Warwick have cultivated a desire for our nation to become a praying nation. It is an honour to have been a part of this journey together as one nation made up of many cultures, races and languages in the body of Christ. I believe Great Southland Revival will inspire and encourage us not to give up but continue to pray for revival and transformation in this Great Southland of the Holy Spirit, which includes the South Pacific Islands. —Ps Ada Boland, Indigenous Apostolic Prophetic Voice

Psalm 78 instructs us to teach our children their godly heritage and not a “second-hand” heritage from some other country. Great Southland Revival does this extremely well and it will be a huge blessing to our nation. —Col Stringer, Bestselling Author, Speaker

Thank you to Kurt and Warwick for compiling a fascinating overview of revival movements both globally and in Australia. These revival accounts will touch your heart and stir your faith. Jesus looked for faith and praised it when He saw it in people, and we need to keep praying and believing for God to continue to pour out His Spirit in blessings and revival. This book will help you do just that. God has answered prayer and moved upon us in so many ways, as the accounts in this book reveal. There’s always more—much more. Let us humble ourselves, pray, seek our Lord, and turn from our worldliness (2 Chronicles 7:14). The foundations have been laid and we can build on them. The wells have been dug and we can draw living water from them. —Geoff Waugh, Author, Founder of Renewal Journal

What an impactful account of revival in Australia! As a participant and witness of what the authors describe as “one of the most seismic local awakenings” of the late 1970s and early ‘80s, I can attest that Australia has truly been blessed by some remarkable, though little-publicised, moves of God. Great Southland Revival is compelling and inspirational reading that will fuel your hunger for God to do it again! —Phil Mason, Senior Pastor, Tribe Byron Bay, Heart Revolution Network

Warning: Do not read this book—that is, if you do not want to be challenged and inspired! But if you realise that our nation is rapidly deserting its Christian heritage, with far-reaching consequences, and if it is the earnest cry of your heart to see revival sweep across Australia once more, then you will be greatly blessed by reading Great Southland Revival. What a wonderful encouragement it is to discover how God has moved powerfully in every part of the globe, drawing people into His presence through revival after revival. Kurt and Warwick have provided a comprehensive survey of revivals through the ages, dispelling many myths along the way, and revealing wonderful accounts of the Holy Spirit at work in the hearts of people from every ethnic group and nation. Especially encouraging are the accounts of revival amongst Aboriginal people that have had lasting positive effects on their communities. What God has done before, He can and will do again. Come, Holy Spirit, come! —Dr Mark Harwood, Scientist, Writer, Speaker Coordinator, Creation Ministries International (Australia)

As religious belief in Australia declines, and as radical secularist laws bring the state into conflict with people of faith, the stories in Great Southland Revival remind us that there have been Christian revivals before our difficult 21st-century times. As with the lives of the saints, these stories in our salvation history inspire hope. They prod us to prayer and action. They remind us of the need to call on God’s divine power to bring about a new revival and a reinvigoration of our nation. Whatever our denomination, our unity of purpose is vital in bringing about this revival. —Patrick J Byrne, National President, National Civic Council

Koorong Code638404
CategoryChurch History
PublisherAustralian Heart Ministries
Publication DateNov 2022
Dimensions17 x 144 x 209mm